The other day my brother came to visit. It was so hot, I really didn’t feel like cooking much at all. I looked in the fridge for something to serve everyone. It seemed pretty empty, but I got creative and came up with a satisfying platter to serve kids and adults alike.
I saw a lot of simple vegetables, some naan bread, condiments, and cooked chickpeas. I opted to make a hummus to pair with the veggies and naan, sliced some cheese for the kids, and scooped out pepperoncinis and olives that had been in the fridge longer than I care to admit. I thought that if I wanted to serve a purely vegan platter, I could have baked or sautéed some chickpeas, with or without spices added for extra flavor. I also realized I could make some homemade popcorn and top it with savory or sweet flavors. Or, depending on the season, going to the garden would have rewarded me with fresh peas, tomatoes, cherries, or even raspberries to add to the variety offered.

I’ve been embracing letting the fridge get fairly empty lately. It forces me to get creative and helps me to recognize how much I truly have. I’ve been forced to substitute ingredients for dishes and have been delighted with the results. When I have plentiful options available to me, I am not forced to get creative. But growth and exploration come in times of lack, and I am delighted to have new opportunities for growth.