Sustainable Habits (2010-2021)

I don’t come from an environmentally focused family or area of the world. In fact, when I became interested in environmental topics, municipal recycling wasn’t even available to me. Thankfully, in many areas of the world accessibility to environmentally responsible systems has changed throughout the years. Here’s a look at some of the habits I’ve implemented and built upon over the years to live more sustainably.

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Sustainable Habits (2022)

Living sustainably is a process of continuous change, growth, and effort. It cannot be accomplished and checked off a list; it is a journey. Each year I learn new skills, read more books, and incorporate various habits in the name of sustainability. I’ve found that by focusing on making small changes over time I have accomplished more good than I would have if I were trying to “live sustainably” without a plan in place. Here are some of the new habits I developed in 2022.

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Plant-Based Cooking Inspiration

Eating more plant-based meals is a great way to improve your health and reduce your environmental impact, but it can be daunting to people used to eating meat regularly. Whether you’re interested in incorporating more plants into your diet or switching over to a completely vegan lifestyle, finding good recipes or inspiring video content can help ease the journey. Here are 5 plant-based content creators whose insight and recipes helped me to transition to a (mostly) vegan diet.

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